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6 Types of Residential Window Tinting Services

Solarworks Tint Blogger • Feb 25, 2022

What do you know about the various types of residential window tinting services that exist? Here's a complete rundown on the subject.

Residential window tinting services

Are you considering tinting your home windows? With so many window tints options available, it is essential you know which type of window tinting service you can choose. You possibly want a tint that will improve the appearance of your home and serve your individual needs.

So, before choosing a residential window tinting service, you need to know the various types of services that exist. In doing so, you will be able to make an informed decision regarding the right film for your home.

Read on to learn more about 6 popular window tinting services.

1. Solar Window Tinting

It is one of the most popular window tinting options in the market today. It is also the window tinting service to consider if you wish to limit the amount of light entering your home.

Solar tints are none adhesive materials designed for glare reduction, heat reduction, and UV rays control. Thus, they will effectively improve home comfort, reduce energy consumption, and lower your carbon footprint.

Solar window tints are thus suitable for homes in regions that experience plenty of sunshine. When the tint is applied to any window that does not face south. The tint will block or deflect sunlight and keep your home comfortable in summer.

Solar tints also come with various options to choose from. That includes those that allow less light to those that allow more light. Professionally installer solar window tints will help lower energy bills in summer and winter.

2. Decorative Window Tinting

This type of window tint does what their name suggests; add curb appeal to your home.

There are an endless number of methods you can consider when decorating your home, including painting colors and artwork. But none can enhance the aesthetics of glass surfaces like decorative tints does.

Due to technological advancement, you can add various decorative films with varying colors, patterns, and designs. Some of the films can block visibility through windows from the outside. Thus, decorative tints can add beauty and privacy to your home.

However, you should note that some decorative tints do not block UV rays. This is because their tint is thin. It is also not appropriate for strengthening your windows.

3. Safety and Security Tinting

Do you worry about shattering glass?

Safety and security tints are a great way to have peace of mind with your windows, even during storms or break-ins. Security films are usually the thickest and enhance the strength of your windows. However, these films won't block much sunlight and heat as solar tint does.

But if you want to minimize damages caused by shattering windows or reduce the chances of burglars accessing your rooms through windows, consider this tint.

However, security and safety films won't prevent anyone from entering your home. It will only slow or make it difficult for intruders to get into your home through the glass window.

4. Ceramic Window Tinting

Consider ceramic window tinting service if you want to give your windows the stability to resist scratches from sharp objects.

This tint contains a blend of ceramic particles that are exceptional for UV rays and infrared rays protection. The tints will block 99 percent of UV rays and 96 percent of infrared rays.

Additionally, ceramic tints will have a higher heat reduction ability, meaning your HVAC system will use less energy. These tints will also provide your home with a constant supply of sunlight.

However, ceramic tints have their drawbacks. One of the main issues with these tints is that they will block radio and phone networks due to their metallic infusion of materials.

5. Glare Blocking Tints

If you experience difficulty watching your favorite TV show or operating monitors near a window, you can consider installing glare-blocking films.

Glare reduction tints will improve your overall comfort when operating a computer or watching tv. It will also help minimize glares' side effects such as headaches and visual fatigue.

Anti-glare window films come with a range of finishes and appearances to suit every home's needs. Since the traditional glare elimination measures such as curtains and blinds will make your room dark, you must install anti-glare tints, which will allow a high percentage of natural light into your rooms.

Glare blocking films will also provide you with additional benefits such as UV rays and fade protection.

6. Privacy Mirror Films

These are the types of tints to install if you wish to enhance your home interior's privacy. They are the common window tints you will find in bathrooms and kitchens.

These tints will offer you the privacy you want and keep your valuables safe from prying eyes. It will allow light into your home but distort the view so that no one can see inside from outside.

There are a wide variety of options for privacy films for homes. They include:

• Sun control window films

• Privacy mirror

• Blackout/frosted films, among others

However, each privacy window you install will have its own merits and demerits.

Hire Residential Window Tinting Services Today

There are many options when it comes to residential window tinting services. You should never forget that not all films are alike. Thus, you need to decide what type of window film will work best for your home.

Are you wondering, "Is there a residential window tinting service near me?'

At Solarworks Glass Tinting, we are a window film installation company situated in Roswell and greater Atlanta in Georgia. We specialize in residential, commercial, and auto window tinting. We provide the highest quality service to suit the needs of every vehicle, home, and commercial property.

Contact us today to get a free estimate.

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