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This Is What to Do When a Window With Window Film Breaks

Solarworks Tint Blogger • Oct 19, 2022

What do you do when a window with window film breaks? We explain the answer here so you can get your windows fixed in no time.

window film

The sound of cracking or shattering glass fills most homeowners with dread, especially as many people associate it with destruction, violence, or injury. Discovering that the cause of the sound came from your windows makes that sinking feeling even worse. 

Whether it was a stray baseball, storm debris, thermal stress, or another reason, you're now faced with a broken window. 

If you have a window film installed, you might be wondering what steps you should take to fix your window. Learn about warranties, common causes glass can break, and how you can get your window repaired. 

How Does a Window With Window Film Break?

Keep in mind that windows are not indestructible and will eventually wear down, regardless of whether you install a film or not. 

Window films have many benefits, such as reducing harmful UV rays from entering your home or vehicle and saving you money on your energy bills. Films with high safety ratings help protect you as well, preventing shards of shattered glass from entering your home and possibly causing injury. Plus, security films make it harder for intruders to break into your house or commercial business. 

Windows can break for a variety of different reasons, many of which may not be your fault. Here are some common reasons it might happen and what to do when it does. 


When most people imagine a shattered window, they think of some type of impact. Impact stress can occur when something strikes the glass. This can be due to a stray baseball from the backyard or a tree branch during a bad storm. 

Impact stress also includes types of vandalism. Property crime accounted for $15.8 billion in 2019 alone, according to the FBI. 

No one likes to imagine their home being the target for thieves or vandals, but it can happen. Security film adds an extra layer of protection that can deter thieves. 

Window films can also help prevent injuries due to shattered glass by holding the pieces in place. Lacerations caused by broken windows are usually due to sharp and jagged pieces. 

Most insurance policies will cover broken windows caused by bad weather or a break-in. Ask your insurance company about covering your window film in advance.

Drivers with tinted windows should ask about additional coverage or whether their auto insurance policy will cover it. 

Thermal Stress

Glass inside of a window that absorbs too much solar radiation can warp and break. Thermal stress occurs when the middle of the glass gets hotter than the edges. When the center gets hot and expands, it places stress on the edges, which can result in a crack. 

Window films increase thermal energy, causing some homeowners and business owners to worry about thermal stress damage. However, trusting a professional window film company is the key to preventing issues like this.

Professional installers understand the right type of film to use for your window to prevent temperature regulation problems. It's one of the prime reasons you should leave the installation to the company rather than try to DIY it. 

However, if a window with window film breaks due to thermal stress and it was installed professionally, you may be covered by your warranty. Check your warranty or call the manufacturer to find out. 

Incorrect Installation 

Installing a new window and a window film is not a DIY job. It involves taking precise measurements of the pane's dimensions, thinking about pressure, temperature changes, and more. Those who try installing windows or window films on their own often don't have the proper knowledge or tools to do so successfully. 

Unfortunately, improper installation can add pressure to parts of the glass and cause breaks. Additionally, larger and longer windows may have more variances in weight distribution, which can put more stress on parts of the glass. 

Pressure Cracks

Windows installed in homes at very high or low elevation levels are more susceptible to drastic changes in the weather. These sudden changes in pressure can cause cracks if a window's insulation levels don't match the outdoor elevation levels. 

Unfortunately, you can't fix pressure cracks. A small crack can quickly become a bigger problem if ignored. You'll have to have your window replaced, along with the window film. 

window film installation

What to Do if a Window Film Breaks

Once you've pinpointed the cause of the broken window, you can determine how to fix it. In most cases, you'll need to replace or repair the window and have the window film reapplied. 

If the cause of your broken window is due to impact stress and it falls under one of the covered perils in your homeowner's insurance policy, you can contact your company and file a claim. Similarly, for business owners, causes such as vandalism should fall under their commercial property insurance. 

Car insurance also usually covers glass damage in a full-coverage policy. If you previously had your auto window film included in your policy, it's also likely covered. 

If you have a broken window with film and the cause is due to thermal stress or a seal failure, check your warranty. The window film may be covered, and you'll simply need to contact the company. However, you'll need to ensure that you didn't do anything to void the warranty, such as improper care. 

In any case, it never hurts to contact your window film installation company to ask what you should do if your window breaks. 

Don't Let the Cracks Get Worse

No one wants to think about replacing or repairing a broken window, but glass can crack for many reasons. Depending on the reason, you may be covered under a warranty or insurance policy. Contact your window film manufacturer or installation company to discuss a window film replacement. 

Remember, ignoring the crack can cause the problem to get worse. Have your window replaced as soon as possible, and then call us at SOLARWORKS Glass Tinting for all your commercial, auto, or residential window tinting needs in the Atlanta metropolitan area.

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